归龙潮 - Guilongchao

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Welcome to Guilongchao walkthrough and guide
By Kafka, October 2024
male and female directors

Nice to meet you!

Welcome to Guilongchao walkthrough and guide. Check out everything there is to know about this game, which includes the characters guides, userful information, tips and tricks here!

Join a GLC-Website + GLC game server: here



Creating a Bilibili acount is pretty easy but if you are strugling he is a guide by Tait Lawton on how to create it and what to do next



If you want to play any CN game you are requred to verify your ID

Note that This method works only for the Bilibili Android version, since the iOS/iPadOS version requires a Chinese phone number to register an account

Find more information

For more information check out this amazing guide by guizhngballista



For PC:

  • MORT by killkimno - MORT is a program that extracts dialogs from the screen in real time using OCR and outputs a translations using DB or machine translation.
  • Translumo - Advanced real-time screen translator for games, hardcoded subtitles in videos, static text and etc.

For Android:

  • Bubble screen translate by NIVEN Studio - Bubble Screen Translate is a powerful translator that supports more than 100 languages.
  • Translate on screen by EZ Screen Translator - Translate On Screen is a smart screen translation application that helps translate text right on the screen. This app is ideal for using social networks, playing games, reading stories in foreign languages.

More information:

Find some more information here!

Redemtion codes:

GLC666, GLC888, GLCvip

GlC Interactive map

Here is a link to GLC Interactive map: here


Current version of the game is 1.3
version 1.1 picture

Launch Date January, 17th

Learn more here


Developer Message from Ciao A.
version 1.1 picture

Hello, Directors! I’m Developer Xiao A...

Learn more here

Current character in 1.3 version

Next version of the game


Zhusha in a wedding outfit

Because we been working on 1.3 events, so we been silent lately and not responding so here's so respond to address the recent issues

Before we start, let's make things clear, we're not gonna run away(eos)!

Firstly, we sincerely apologise to all our directors, our sns have not been the nicest in previous version and as a newbie team we didn't did our best, we offended a lot of people and didn't respond in time to many too, which make some that love the game feel hurts and lose their trust in us.

But lack of experience in managing social instead an excuse! So right here, right now, we sincerely apologise!

Addressing recent issues

We have enough staff and the game operating team are doing fine!

The team did make some personnel adjustments, but there are still around 100 staff who are working overtime to prepare new content. We are very grateful to every hard-working staff.

The team is new, and the game has encountered many problems in operation, so adjustments are necessary. But the purpose and direction of the adjustment is not to run away(eos), but to operate in a longer and more sustainable way. Please rest assured, directors.

During this period, there have been many voices on social encouraging the project team and Guilongchao. Thank you for your trust in the team during this tough time. We will work harder to produce better content!

(On version 1.3 livestream, we will share with you our real working environment, team members and the preview information of version 1.3.)

Our grossing is normal!

Due to unknown reasons, Apple's official data display is abnormal and the revenue data cannot be displayed normally(t/n: I think zzz encountered this before). As of now , the team is communicating closely with Apple officials to solve this asap. Directors, please rest assured.

In fact, the revenue share of Guilongchao on the PC side exceeded expectations. This also spurred the project team to continue to optimize the mobile side. Which is what we have been working hard for, to provide a better gaming experience for users of different terminals and platforms.

Future plan and freebies:

As a thank you for everyone suppose so far, for the second half of 1.2 and the entire of 1.3, we gonna be handing out our biggest gift yet!

Starting from 27/12 (Zhu Sha banner) until the end of 1.2, 22 pulls is available to claim over the course of 7 days:

  • 2 free limited spring festival costume for 1.3;
  • More daily challenges; 
  • freebie that span across the entirely of 1.3;
  • Limited daily challenge during ver 1.3, free jade to claim when completed it;
  • 1.4 storyline will be a continuation of 1.3, focusing on zhen long shi(t/n: the bureaucracy of this game region, xing mu, qin chuan, yu yin and zhai xi work here) while future version will focus one the conflict between zhen long s qian xiang hui(t/n: that mask alliance that suo is a part of) and long chao ge(t/n: the film company we(directors) work in). Qin Chuan, madam shen and black mask and white mask will take turn showing up in the story.

Some personal note from xiao-A

We make a lot of dumb decisions while developing glc, but with courage and support from all direction we'll surely head into a brighter future. Flashback to 4 year ago, we just wanted to created a just that's cool and others that's willing to try out, as of today we want to be more than that and continue to improve.

Lastly, as always we're open to suggestions as that's many issues we need to fix.

Translated by Alkane