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Tipe that might help you with smoother gaming!
BY Kafka (layout), Chelo (translation), October 2024
gacha banner image

Here we will learn some basic tips to have a better gaming experience!

Limited Gacha System

There are 2 types of banner:

  • 限定必得 (Limited Guaranteed)
  • (Limited UP)
gacha system

100% Banner

gacha system

In 限定必得, you will definitely get limited character (equivalent to 5* chara) in 100 pulls.

There's no soft/hard pity in this banner.

Reaching 150 pulls, you will randomly get 1 standard character (this only applies to 限定必得 banner)

50/50 Banner System

gacha banner

In 限定UP, there's hard pity in 80 pulls and you can lost 50/50 to standard chara.

If you lost to standard, the next pull will be guaranteed limited chara (same system to Genshin/HSR)

Note! All banners types only share pity to the same type of banner.

限定必得 banner to the next 限定必得 banner.

限定UP banner to the next 限定UP.

Standard Banner

standard banner

You can get a standard 5* character every 80 pulls and 4* умкн 10 pulls.

standard banner characters